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Message of the Week! Monday Sept 11

Welcome Back everyone!!!! The message of the week for September 11, 2017 is:

____________________________________________ Monday September 11, 2017 Welcome Back Pizza Night! - Mandatory Training

Location: Squadron LHQ | 200 James St North (John Foote Armoury) Timings: 1815hrs - 2115hrs | 6:15pm - 9:15pm Dress: Course Clothing or Civilian Attire Messing: Pizza will be provided at no cost to all Cadets and Friends. Transportation: Cadets are to find their own means of travel

Ending Notes: This will be our first night back to Cadets, and will also be an Open House for new recruits. It is my expectation that we are welcoming to our guests, and that we put our best foot forward this year!

All friends and family interested in joining are welcome to attend, and if any Parents are interested in helping out with the Sponsoring Committee, Ms. Kluge will be on site to answer any questions, or to get you started.

Band: will not be playing, so instruments and music are not required. ____________________________________________ Tuesday September 12, 2017 Band (SENIORS ONLY) - Optional Training

Location: Squadron LHQ | 200 James St N, Hamilton, ON Timings: 1820hrs - 2030hrs | 6:20pm - 8:30pm Dress: Civilian Attire Messing: N/A Transportation: Cadets are to find their own means of travel

Ending Notes: Select Band Seniors will be needed to get the instruments and music ready to go for this training year. The timing will be as per usual. If you are interested in helping, contact me (WOII Burgin), or FSgt Kluge. ____________________________________________ Final Notes:

Squadron: Looking forward to seeing everyone Monday, and having a great start to the new year! The senior team and I are extremely excited about the coming year, and have a lot of fun things planned for the Cadets!

Band: We will be starting right off the bat - second week back. We're always looking for new members, and for those returning, we are excited to get to playing some great tunes!

Drill: Drill will start soon. Stay tuned for details.

Important Dates: Sept 23: Gliding Sept 28: 424 Squadron's 75th Anniversary Sept 30: HAW Senior NCM Training Day

If there are any questions, comments or concerns regarding any topics in this email, simply respond, talk to your Flight Commander, or contact me via any of the methods below.

Have a great weekend, and I'll see everyone Monday!

Thank you WOII Timothy Burgin Cadet Squadron Commander 826 Gryphon Squadron - Royal Canadian Air Cadets (289) 698-1883

"To Learn, To Serve, To Advance"

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